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Venice Biennale Blog 3

Diary of an Infatuation Junkie© #3

Third installment:

“Where to Stay in Venice” or “OMG!!!!!! Did I LUCK OUT!!!!!!!!”








INDIEGOGO Campaign Ending this July 27th! Raised over $4200 of the $12,000 we need in less than 2 weeks! THANK YOU everyone! But we’re not there yet! :-)
Please get involved in making this Project a reality!: INDIEGOGO CAMPAIGN
Please visit or ‘like’ my Facebook page: The Venice Biennale Jenny Krasner Project


IN TERMS OF ACCOMMODATION IN VENICE…. I was pulling my hair out looking for a reasonable and cool place to stay and as you can imagine, I was coming up with really horrifyingly pokey expensive ugly places; I was getting freaked out and depressed. One was entirely PINK (airBnB)…. I kid you not. It would be like living in a bottle of Pepto Bismol. I kept saying to myself, well…it’s clean, maybe you can ignore it; ICK. I was really getting desperate and started looking at obscure European sites when I came across a place that was wonderful except it wasn’t near anything. I emailed the manager who wrote me back in English (my first hurdle, as I only speak English) but they said they were booked but might know of something and gave me someone else’s contact through this odd site, who then gave me someone else’s contact…oiy…….WHO…then told me his ‘Mother’, ‘might’, have a place.

OMG….seriously?!?!? I kept thinking about the Pink Putrid Pad of Purgatory. Could I deal with that for 6 weeks…OHGODNO ANYTHING but THAT!!! Well…of course this sounded completely suspect but the alternative?!?!?…so I went along with this and she phoned me up in NYC. She sounded so interesting, from Austria and an artist herself. I looked it up on Google Earth and it’s ridiculously charming, I mean, how much is this going to change the experience of my project and photographic research in Venice!!!!…. I am beyond grateful. I looked up my proprietor on Google. You know when someone seems and sounds like ‘somebody’…well…you know what I mean, like an actor or genius, you’re like, “that person must be somebody!” so funny, anyway…. So when I got off the phone I went to her web site (can’t find it now but will post when I get a hold of it). I like her artwork! It’s vibrant, joyous and really captures what I’m hoping Venice will be like. Also, she lives on a property with trees if you can believe it, right next to the Galerie Dell’Accademia and near the Peggy Guggenheim Collection…AND….she has two cottages to rent to me (one for my assistant, Lise Battaglia for 2 weeks) on this same property. First finding her fabulous artwork was really enough, but then I found this treasure, an article called A City of Love and Death: Venice, written by Erica Jong (Fear of Flying) for The New York Times in 1986. She says, “Miss Hohs’s house looks out on one of the most remarkable gardens in Venice. A deep green bower growing on top of what some say is a former cemetery, it is the site of a number of the best parties in Venice”. This is where I’m staying!!!!! One amazing thing happening after another….how appropriate that I will be inhabiting an abode when I install my Project entitled “DIARY OF AN INFATUATION JUNKIE” that is owned by a famous Venetian artist whose person and abode Erica Jong praises in a New York Times article. I am so psyched it’s uncontainable :-)

At present, having an extraordinary time and making huge progress working on The Venice Biennale Jenny Krasner Project with my Artist Assistant, Italian Translator and as Lise Battaglia likes to add, Culinary Consultant! You can read more about her and get involved yourself on my indiegogo site: http://igg.me/at/JennyKrasner

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